
About US

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung
Our why

peerHuntr is built on the simple foundation that recruitment and HR development should be based on honesty with personality placed at the center of attention. We want to remove the filters and present more authentic candidate profiles. We believe this will create a better match between employee and employer, and lead to more fulfilled professional lives.

In today's world, too much attention, in our opinion, is placed on appearances creating a false sense of reality. By portraying ourselves in an honest and authentic manner, we are able to stay true to ourselves. We also believe that technology increasingly means that the working life and the personal life blend together. Technology means that we take work home on our smart phones and tablets, but it also means that we bring our private lives to work with our social media presence. Given this reality, we believe that work tools should be fun and engaging. If work no longer feels like work, but more like professional playtime, we have accomplished our mission.

That mission, then, is to make recruitment and HR development honest and engaging, while placing personality at the center of attention.

Our vision

Following from the above mission, we aspire to become one of the world's leading recruitment and HR development platforms.

The peerHuntr mindset

Traditional recruiting and headhunting prioritizes skills and competences over personality. At peerHuntr, we do the opposite. We believe that employers must first ensure that the personality of the candidate is a fit with the culture of the employer. The reason is that studies continue to show that most recruitments fail, not for lack of competences, but because of a cultural mismatch between candidate and employer. Once a cultural match is in place, a skill gap analysis can ensure that the candidate's skills and competencies are in place or can be developed after employment. We call this the peerHuntr mindset.

The peerHuntr personality test and types

The peerHuntr personality test is based on the different personality types proposed by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung in his book "Psychological Types". There are sixteen different psychological types in the peerHuntr personality types.

Inspired by Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron and Kelly Tieger's book "Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type (2014)", here is a short description of each personality type:

Perfectionist (INTJ)
You are a true perfectionist (INTJ) in the best sense of the word. You have a strong need for autonomy and personal competence. You are logical, critical and you have great faith in your own original ideas. You set high goals for yourself and are not particularly bothered by the criticism of others being the most independent personality type there is. As a visionary, you are not particularly impressed with authorities and prefer to follow rules that you perceive to be useful to a greater purpose. You are great at accomplishing things due to your determination and perseverance, something that will sometimes lead you to conflicts with your peers.

Problem-solver (INTP)
You are a real problem-solver (INTP) with creative brilliance and both intellectual and logical. While you are inwardly absorbed in analyzing problems, on the outside you can seem quiet, reserved and a little detached. You are critical, precise and skeptical, and you prefer that discussions are purposeful and logical. Since you value exploring complex problems that go beyond the immediately known, accepted or obvious, you argue in equally complex ways and occassionally can be hard to understand by your peers.

Leader (ENTJ)
You are a decisive leader (ENTJ) and a strong decision-maker. You easily see possibilities and are happy to direct others accordingly. You are and ingenious thinker and great long-term planner. Since you are both logical and analytical, you are good at tasks requiring reasoning and intelligence. You like to organize both things and people, and you lead with a frank and blunt style, which can sometimes be perceived as a little insensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

Innovator (ENTP)
As an innovator (ENTP), you love excitement and new challenges. You are enthusiastic, ingeneous and good at many things. You are a born enterpriser with strong intitiative operating on a creative impulse. Your inquisitive, versatile and adaptable nature make you a great resource for solving challenging problems. You are outspoken and quick to identify flaws in any position, which will sometimes lead you to take up quite a bit of space in discussions. But you are both charming and stimulating to be around and therefore often have a great number of friends and relationships.

Original (INFJ)
You are a true original (INFJ) containing a world of ideas. You are an independent thinker with strong feelings, firm principles and high personal integrity. You have an inner vision and often see deeper meanings. You are loyal and committed to what you do. You value harmony and agreement, and will attempt to persuade others of the validity of your opinions. You have a complex personality and can sometimes be sensitive to criticism.

Idealist (INFP)
As an idealist (INFP), you value inner harmony and are often motivated by a worthy cause. You are sensitive, loyal and a strong belief in your personal values. You look beyond what is already known and focus most of your energy on your dreams and visions. In your daily work you are flexible, tolerant and adaptable, but you have very high inner standards. Although you can seem cool and a little reserved on the outside, you care deeply and are sensitive to the feelings of others.

Giver (ENFJ)
As a giver (ENFJ), you are a people-lover, who places high importance on relations and the well-being of others. You are idealistic and live by your values. You are also energetic and enthusiastic and responsible with a tendency towards self-criticism. You are a natural and charismatic leader, and are often admired by your peers. You prefer to avoid conflict and your strong desire for harmony can lead you to ignore real problems. You respond well to praise and can, on the other hand, be sensitive to criticism.

Enthusiast (ENFP)
You are a real enthusiast (ENFP), full of ideas and strong sense of the possible. You are optimistic, spontaneous, creative and confident. You have a curious perceptive mind leading you to understand rather than judge. You are a non-conformist, who likes to find new ways of doing things. Since you love generating new ideas, you can sometimes have difficulty sticking to one thing and completing tasks. You do not enjoy routine and are not the most organized person in the world.

Controller (ISTJ)
As a controller (ISTJ), you are the serious, responsible and sensible member of the team. You are trustworthy, living by your word and honoring your commitments. You are practical and realistic as well as methodical and painstakingly accurate. You are quiet, but hardworking, and you accomplish your tasks in an orderly and reliable manner. You are a little cautious and traditional, but you are a good listener, who responds particularly well to factual and clearly stated arguments.

Supporter (ISFJ)
You are a true supporter (ISFJ) of your peers. You are a loyal, devoted and compassionate member of the team. You are quite down-to-earth and you like your peers quiet and unassuming. You have a good eye for detail and can absorb and make use of a large number of facts. You have a very strong work ethic, you easily accept responsibility for your assignments and proceed to complete these systematically and with high accuracy. Since you prefer to work on tangible and practical matters, you can sometimes struggle a little to to anticipate unfamiliar outcomes.

Executer (ESTJ)
As an executer (ESTJ), you are really good at getting things done. You are responsible, conscientious and you like to run the show. You work in a systematic and organized way, and you love to make decisions. You are logical, objective and analytical, which leads you to prefer real observable things and facts to abstract ideas and theories. Because you live by rules, you are very consistent, pragmatic and dependable. Your strict code of ethics and standards can be perceived as rigid and cold to others.

Mentor (ESFJ)
You are a valuable mentor (ESFJ), eager to help your peers in any way you can. You are responsible, friendly and sympathetic, and place great importance on harmonious relationships. You thrive on positive feedback and appreciation, and are therefore also sensitive to indifference or criticism. You are quite practical and realistic, and you like to work in a matter-of-fact as well as organized fashion. Since you treasure harmony so highly, you can run the risk of avoiding and not tackling conflicts when they arise.

Pragmatist (ISTP)
As a pragmatist (ISTP), you are straightforward, honest preferring action to words. You are unpretentious, logical and analytical, who often likes to work in a practical way, since you easily understand the inner workings of things. You are both curious and observant, and tend to only be convinced by hard, reliable facts. You are pretty quiet and maybe even a little reserved, and can therefore sometimes be perceived as somewhat shy especially in unfamiliar surroundings. You are self-motivated, egalitarian and fair, operating on impulse making you adaptable responsive to problems and challenges.

Developer (ISFP)
As a developer (ISFP), you are a gentle, caring and sensitive person. You are a little modest and reserved, and like to express your feelings through actions rather than words. This can sometimes lead you to be misunderstood by your peers. You are patient, flexible and easy to get a long with, since you have no expressed need to dominate others or have it your way. Since you prefer to live in the present moment, you do not tend to prepare or plan more than necessary. Curious about learning and sensing, you often have a predisposition toward the artistic and aesthetic in life.

Realist (ESTP)
You are a proper realist (ESTP). Pretty easygoing, active, spontaneous, and with a preference for enjoying the present moment rather than thinking about the future. You trust and rely on your senses, accepting things as they are, and therefore tend to be quite open-minded, patient and tolerant. You are a doer, who prefers action to conversation, and you tackle challenges when they arise. You are a good problem-solver, who easily finds logical and sensible solutions. You are outgoing, versatile and likeable, and although your can-do approach usually gets the job done, it does come with a risk of missed opportunities due to a lack of planning and failure to look beyond the current moment.

Presenter (ESFP)
You are a great presenter (ESFP), who rarely minds attention. You enjoy people, you are fun and playful, and you enjoy creating a good social environment. Your easygoing, warm and friendly way often lands you "on stage". You are a realistic observer, who accepts things as they are. You prefer concrete facts and common sense, and you usually prefer to trust your senses as opposed to theoretical concepts. You are tolerant, tactful and sympathetic, and are therefore well liked by your peers. Your playful style can sometimes get in the way of routine work, but makes up for it in lifting the spirit of your surroundings.

The peerHuntr Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) test and its scores

The peerHuntr EQ test is based in part on Daniel Goleman's writings on emotional intelligence since 1995. The test covers the following four areas of emotional intelligence: self-understanding, self-management, social understanding and relationship management. Self-understanding is the ability to recognize own emotions and how they affect thoughts as well as behavior. Generally, a person with a high degree of self-understanding knows own strengths and weaknesses and has self-confidence. Self-management is the ability to control own emotions and behavior. Additionally, it is the ability to adapt effectively to changing circumstances, take initiative and be a self-motivated individual. Social understanding generally requires empathy and is the ability to recognize emotions in others, to understand social norms and behavior and the power dynamics and hierarchies that exist in organizations. Finally, relationship management is the ability to be comfortable in social settings, to develop and maintain healthy relationships, to be a natural leader and conflict mitigator.

The EQ test is composed of 28 questions related to each of the four areas for a maximum average score of 7.

The peer rating parameters

We have identified eight peer rating parameters that we believe, when scored in an anonymous and objective way, give a broad sense of a candidate's workplace attributes. These are the eight peer rating parameters that you will find on our platform: honest, responsible, coachable, teamplayer, leader, energetic, innovative and empathetic. These parameters are scored from 1 to 7 for an accurate assessment of a candidate's workplace attributes.